About SRA
Our mission is simple…
To help banks and firms clearly consider and solve challenging problems and to represent those ideas in faithful, reliable, and cost-effective ways with growth and sustainability in mind, while building the client’s institutional knowledge.
…and so are our methods.
We think before we calculate and always look for robust, simple, sustainable long-term solutions.
Spero Risk Associates solves seemingly complicated and nebulous modeling and analytical problems with vision, integrity, creativity, and practical, common sense.
Vision is a function of both practical and technical experience. We see relationships clearly, and use our expertise to provide robust, long-term solutions that can be applied across portfolios or extended to multiple uses within the same portfolio, e.g., CECL and stress testing and ad hoc analysis. We emphasize reusability and reproducibility; we don’t waste your resources or time. We create value by creating long-term value for our clients.
Creativity & Common Sense
Modeling and analytical solutions are usually limited by available data, and that’s why both creativity and intellectual rigor are required to find the most representationally-faithful and reliable solutions.
Creativity produces alternative approaches and innovations, like useful corroborating evidence, when immediate statistical evidence is weak but similar relationships hold in other, related times, industries, or places–where data are more plentiful.
Intellectual rigor and honesty prevent the misapplication of methods, stupid conceptual errors, and silly, undefendable results from data mining.
Integrity & Practicality
We never defend our work by claiming that someone else does it the same way. We are not part of the herd. We are leaders in risk management, modeling, and loss forecasting—both CECL and stress testing. We justify our solutions with objective evidence and describe and document constraints that preclude the implementation of more desirable solutions.
Our methods are based on theory and are not simply statistical regularities. That means our solutions are innovative, different, extremely intuitive, and easy to justify and defend.
Our team’s integrity and practicality make SRA parsimonious and efficient, and we prefer simplicity to complexity as evidence of our abilities. As Leonardo da Vinci said, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
Relative to our competition, we are inexpensive and quick. We don’t “mine” data; we apply economic theories. There is always time to think and use common sense, especially before calculation, which leads to the best quantitative solutions. A consultant’s solutions shouldn’t be a mystery to you (or to them).