Update: here are 2017 – 2019 Federal Reserve and Company Run CCAR Results.
The Federal Reserve published the initial 2016 CCAR/DFAST results on June 23, primarily the DFAST portion. On June 29, it published additional CCAR results. For your convenience, we have extracted the numbers for the important tables in the Fed’s pdf files, bcreg20160623a1.pdf and bcreg20160629a1.pdf, and copied them into an Excel file. To receive the file, please complete our form, and we will send it with “no strings attached.”
In addition, as of 7:00 PM CST on July 19, 31 of the 33 banks have released their Company-run Severely Adverse Results, as per Dodd-Frank. Our intern has added these numbers to the file, and will add the remaining disclosures–Ally and Santander–when they become available. Those two seemed to have missed the July 15 deadline.
If you have received a previous version of the file, the form won’t work, and we’ll send this version shortly to your email address that we have on file.
If you are an acquaintance and would like the 31 company-run disclosures (pdfs), please let us know and we’ll send a zip file.